Esther von Schlieffn
"We have to be aware of the fact that we don't have any right to judge on other human beings as long they don't hurt anybody. Being gay is just as normal as being heterosexual - it's just rare."
Read Esther's interview by clicking here
Lynn Lauterbach
"I think religion and church are a place for everyone, they call, that we have to come in, but then there is no place for you, and this is a little bit sad I think."
Download Lynn's interview by clicking here

Eva Loska
"I want to have the right to decide who I want to marry and that there is no difference if I choose a women or a man"
Read Eva's interview by clicking here

Anna Ley
"I love women and I stand by it. I would marry but that marriage would still be legally different than a heterosexual one in Germany. If heterosexual marriage and homosexual marriage were indistinguishable under the law, it would be an important step... But of course, such things take a lot of time."
Read Anna's interview by clicking here
Milena Kirsche
"I think when you really love a person you don't need to marry them. It's just totally conservative. But if you can help someone...then that's great"
Read Milena's interview by clicking here
This is so so amazing. You did such a great job with Milli. I think that if u love someone, then it doesn't matter if u marry or not, but it is a right and u should be able to a choose if u do or not. I wouldn't have married, but because I had the choice, we ended up in union. but this freedom was not the choice of others, it was ours. I hope that your work will help people understand the weight of that freedom. Nice necklace too. xx